Celso Athayde Criticizes Exclusion of Favelas in Interview with Valor Econômico

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Celso Athayde, founder of CUFA – Central Única das Favelas, gave an interview to @valoreconomico about the International Favela Conference, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro this September. The event aims to bring together 4,000 people to discuss the demands of favelas in the context of the G20.

In his interview, Athayde criticized the exclusion of favelas from global discussions and argued that solutions to inequalities must reflect these realities. He also highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship in reducing inequalities and expressed hope that @g20org will bring more visibility to the social issues affecting favelas.

“If problems are global, solutions must be as well. We cannot talk about inequality and human rights without including those who live these realities every day.” — @celsoathayde

Follow @g20favelas and @cufaglobal on Instagram to stay updated on our conferences in Brazilian favelas and in the 41 countries where we operate.

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