A New Milestone in Yanomami Territory: Hospital Under Construction in the Surucucu Mountains

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The Surucucu Mountains, in the Yanomami Territory, Roraima, Brazil, are witnessing a transformative moment: the construction of a hospital that will provide healthcare to over 10,000 indigenous people.

This Health Reference Center represents not only progress for the community but also the realization of a long-standing dream of the Yanomami people. The cornerstone laying ceremony was attended by Preto Zezé, president of CUFA, Celso Athayde, founder of CUFA, alongside members of the Ministry of Health, Juninho Yanomami, and other authorities.

This project, the result of joint efforts, was made possible by the support of partners such as the German NGO Target and the Ministry of Health, who continue to stand with us on this journey to improve the quality of life for the Yanomami people.

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